Time Reading

Those 60 images collected in the piece of work Time Reading, are from the archives of American Intelligence Agencies on the Southern Cone countries of Latin America.

The condition, in which these images appear in intelligence secret documents, sometimes makes them unveil facts from the 70’s and the 80’s. These object images reveal the secret condition of Latin American political history. In them, the printing over glass and the overlapping makes them a blurry shadow, a reminiscence of something yet to be completed.

In other cases images seem unconnected, without details of what they depict, apart from what a simple look may deduce. In the piece, the archival documents are images used to link uncertain visual narrations, suspended in their explanation, where an image pollutes or taints the next one, without certainty on the exact facts referred to or how these narrations, involving surveillance, murders, secret reports and facts of the Dirty War lived in Latin America, finish.

Files completely crossed out on the front wall of the piece, evidencing the condition of unfinished, deleted, hidden, or secret histories, where these images, metaphors of our recent history remain.

Tipo de investigación:
Galería Isabel Aninat
Sao Paulo

Series of 14 groups of archival imagesPrinting on 5 mm glass45 cm X 35 cm30 cm X 22 cmWhite laquewooden shelves.

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