Yo no soy un hombre, soy un pueblo

This large-format drawing shows the unveiling of the full names of the assassinated leaders over a veiled image of a ‘great collective funeral’ formed by the 47 individual images of each funeral. It is the visual similarities that allow them to be organized as a single image merging different places and moments.

Todo se desvanece en la niebla

This piece is a compilation of documents and court files provided by family members or plaintiffs as well as scientific expert reports on the deaths of each of these characters. It is the culmination of an investigative process that lasted several years where the information is classified by country and date.

Mi carne es bronce para la Historia

In this second group of works appear the portraits of 47 Latin American leaders (associated with their country and year of death) are images of public speakers whose deaths have not been resolved or are currently being reviewed. These leaders held different public positions in their respective states: presidents, ministers, judges, military chiefs, archbishops, deputies, […]

Serie Lo que ves es lo que es

These pieces correspond to the study of declassified files of the US Intelligence Services during the period 1948-1994 related to North American Minimalism and propose a revision of the declassified CIA files on fourteen Latin American countries. In relation to these archives, this group of works also problematizes the contents of American Minimalist art, contrasting […]

III. Ópera Emancipadora

El tercer y último núcleo se define por la ópera, estableciendo una relación con la ciudad de Venecia debido a su historia cultural y política, donde tuvo lugar la primera actuación operística en 1637, un símbolo del clima de libertad que entonces experimentó la República. Se presenta una composición contemporánea en forma de cantata. Esta […]

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