Yo no soy un hombre, soy un pueblo

This large-format drawing shows the unveiling of the full names of the assassinated leaders over a veiled image of a ‘great collective funeral’ formed by the 47 individual images of each funeral. It is the visual similarities that allow them to be organized as a single image merging different places and moments.

Todo se desvanece en la niebla

This piece is a compilation of documents and court files provided by family members or plaintiffs as well as scientific expert reports on the deaths of each of these characters. It is the culmination of an investigative process that lasted several years where the information is classified by country and date.

Time Reading

Those 60 images collected in the piece of work Time Reading, are from the archives of American Intelligence Agencies on the Southern Cone countries of Latin America. The condition, in which these images appear in intelligence secret documents, sometimes makes them unveil facts from the 70’s and the 80’s. These object images reveal the secret […]

In our region down here – Gallery

The piece synthesizes the relationship between utopian political projects and their dystopian future, revealed in the declassification of American secret files. This gallery of Latin American political leaders running public positions as presidents, president candidates, archbishops, senators, deputies, commanders-in-chief, and ministers, who were assassinated or ended up tragically dead during the past 60 years of […]


Every secret intelligence operation needs a public space in which to confuse and thereby establish a narrative that prevails over the search for the truth. Gladio, the name of the most notorious secret operation known in Europe, presents the covers of magazines and front pages of newspapers, as examples of the functioning of this strategy […]

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