De los artilugios cotidianos 2.0
De lo artilugios cotidianos is a series that proposes the construction of devices formed by encyclopaedias of Latin American History, compendiums of documents of the North American intelligence services about the countries of the region and tools of daily uses and trades.
The work proposes a material and mechanical combination of these elements in such a way that they become a ghostly allusion to the history of violence and secrecy that was established in the region during the past decades, contained in the technical age of these objects. The mechanisms allow for the forcible grafting of material from secret and declassified archives into the history books.
The work also comes from the exercise of thinking of these “common” subjects transmuted into agents of repression and torture, and others into their victims, which constructs an image of civilization and barbarism, work, and destruction, as an oscillating and uncertain historical becoming.
- De los artilugios cotidianos 2.0 (Of daily contrivances 2.0)
4 sculptural objects
Books, printed documents, stainless steel, acrylic, lamp, and magnifying glass/li>